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Big Brother & The Holding Company

жанры: classic rock, psychedelic rock, blues, psychedelic, rock, 60s

Весной 1966 года старый знакомый Чет Хелмс пригласил Джоплин в Big Brother & the Holding Company — группу, делами которой управлял он сам. Хелмс, один из лидеров хиппи-коммуны Family Dog, владел концертным залом Avalon Ballroom: здесь и обосновался в качестве резидентов ансамбль в составе: Сэм Эндрю (вокал, гитара), Джеймс Герли (гитара), Питер Албин (бас), Дэвид Гетц (ударные) и Дженис Джоплин (вокал).

10 июня 1966 года состоялось первое выступление нового состава группы в «Авалоне». Певица мгновенно установила контакт с аудиторией и тут же сделалась местной звездой. Спустя два месяца Big Brother подписали контракт с независимым лэйблом Mainstream Records и отправилась в студию записывать дебют, который выпущен был лишь год спустя, после того, как Дженис Джоплин произвела фурор на фестивале в Монтерее (июнь 1967 года), где она «привлекла внимание своим необычно сильным и богатым хрипловатым голосом, нервно-энергичной манерой пения». Её выступление с «Ball and Chain» стало центральным эпизодом фильма «Monterey Pop», который и по сей день считается шедевром рок-документалистики.

После фестиваля новый менеджер Алберт Гроссман (который вел также дела Боба Дилана) обеспечил группе котракт с Columbia Records. Mainstream Records все-таки выпустили залежалый (но при этом не вполне доработанный) дебют Big Brother & the Holding Company, который в августе 67-го появился на 60-м месте в списках Биллборда (позже Columbia выкупила права на пластинку и сделала её хитом).

Performance History

November xx, 1965 Clement Street, San Francisco, CA (Club performance as Blue Yard Hill)
November xx, 1965 Panhandle Park, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, the Vipers in their pre Blue House Basement days
January 10, 1966 Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company (Auditions)
January 15, 1966 Open Theatre, Berkeley, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
January 22, 1966 Longshoreman's Hall, San Francisco, "Trips Festival" Big Brother and The Holding Company, Grateful Dead
January 23, 1966 Longshoreman's Hall, San Francisco, "Trips Festival" Big Brother and The Holding Company, Grateful Dead, Loading Zone, The Skins
January 28, 1966 California Hall, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Great Society, Charlatans (Bilbao's Birthday)
February 12, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA Wildflower, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Great Society, Our Lost Souls, Big Brother and The Holding Company (Peace Rock)
February 19, 1966 The Fillmore, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Jefferson Airplane
February 26, 1966 The Fillmore, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Great Society & Quicksilver Messenger Service
March 1, 1966 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
March 2, 1966 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
March 3, 1966 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
March 4, 1966 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
March 5, 1966 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
March 6, 1966 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
March 12, 1966 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
March 18, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Mystery Trend, Family Tree (Batman Dance)
March 19, 1966 The Firehouse, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, A Moving Violation
April 1, 1966 Harmon Gym, Berkeley, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Great Society, Monty Waters and The Band, The Skins, The Exiles, Lights and Sounds by Don Buchala, Go-Go girls provided by Dance USA as auditioned by Carol Doda (Delano Grape Strikers Benefit Big Brother and The Holding Company, Big Brother and The Holding Company and The Great Society replacing Jefferson Airplane and Quicksilver Messenger Service)
April 2, 1966 The Geary Temple, Geary And Fillmore, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service, PH Phactor Jug Band, Our Mothers Children
April 4, 1966 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
April 5, 1966 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Wildflower
April 6, 1966 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Wildflower
April 29, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Grassroots, Sons of Adam
April 30, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Grassroots, Sons of Adam
May 6, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Daily Flash, The Charlatans (replacing the Rising Sons)
May 13, 1966 Red Dog, Virginia City, NV Big Brother and The Holding Company
May 14, 1966 Red Dog, Virginia City, NV Big Brother and The Holding Company
May 21, 1966 Muir Beach Resort, Marin County, CA Big Brother and the Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Charlatans, Wildflower, Carpetbaggers, Billy Moses and the Blues Band, Erector Set
May 21, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Love, Captain Beefheart
May 27, 1966 Red Dog, Virginia City, NV Big Brother and The Holding Company
May 28, 1966 Red Dog, Virginia City, NV Big Brother and The Holding Company
May 30, 1966 Winterland, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Charlatans
June 3, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Grassroots, Buddha From Muir Beach, Stone Facade
June 4, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Grassroots, Buddha From Muir Beach, Stone Facade
June 10, 1966 Red Dog, Virginia City, NV Big Brother and The Holding Company
June 11, 1966 Red Dog, Virginia City, NV Big Brother and The Holding Company
June 19, 1966 St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Sopwith Camel, David Meltzer, Allen Ginsburg, Michael McClure, Richard Alpert, Timothy Leary, San Francisco Mime Troupe
June 24, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, SF, Big Brother and The Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service, the GIB
June 25, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, SF, Big Brother and The Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service, the GIB
July 1, 1966 Fillmore, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Jaywalkers
July 2, 1966 Monterey County Fairgrounds, Monterey, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Gladstones
July 3, 1966 Monterey County Fairgrounds, Monterey, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Gladstones
July 8, 1966 Red Dog, Virginia City, NV Big Brother and The Holding Company (the likely date of the shows at the Red Dog with Ms Joplin - but may have only played one night)
July 9, 1966 Red Dog, Virginia City, NV Big Brother and The Holding Company (possibly)
July 14, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Grateful Dead, Hindustani Jazz Sextet
July 15, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Love (Show Cancelled)
July 16, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Love (Show Cancelled)
July 16, 1966 Longshoreman's Hall, San Francisco, CA Quicksilver Messenger Service, Big Brother and The Holding Company
July 28, 1966 California Hall, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Great Society, Charlatans
July 30, 1966 Garden Auditorium, Pacific National Exhibition, Vancouver, BC Big Brother and The Holding Company, Grateful Dead, Daily Flash, Painted Ship, Ph Factor Jug Band, Al Neil and The Royal Canadians, The Unexpectable, Jesse, WECO light show (by Sam Perry, Gary Lee Nova's Magic Mirrors, Dallas Selman, Ken Ryan, and Liquid Injection-Projection)
July 31, 1966 Garden Auditorium, Pacific National Exhibition, Vancouver, BC Grateful Dead, Big Brother and The Holding Company, Daily Flash, Bill Bissett, Michael McClure, Al Neil Jazz Trio (The Royal Rascals), WECO light show (by Sam Perry, Gary Lee Nova, Dallas Selman, Ken Ryan, and others), Movies (Charlie Chaplin in "The Vagabond" and "The Gambler", Andy Warhol, Harlot, Harry Smith Shorts, Sam Perry, Shorts by Gary Lee Nova)
August 2, 1966 Pavillion, Losers South, San Jose, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Jefferson Airplane
August 3, 1966 Pavillion, Losers South, San Jose, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Jefferson Airplane
August 4, 1966 Pavillion, Losers South, San Jose, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Jefferson Airplane
August 5, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Bo Diddley
August 6, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Bo Diddley
August 7, 1966 Fillmore Auditorium, Trips Festival Big Brother and The Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Grateful Dead, Grass Roots, Sunshine, Jook Savages, PH Phactor, Si Perkoff Jazz Quintet, San Francisco, CA Mime Troupe
August 12, 1966 "Benefit", San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Jefferson Airplane & Grassroots (this would have been an afternoon show - perhaps in one of the parks)
August 12, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Bo Diddley
August 13, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Bo Diddley
August 23, 1966 Big Brother signs Big Brother and The Holding Company, Mainstream Records
August 25-Sept 19, 1966 Mother Blues, Chicago, IL Big Brother and The Holding Company
01 September 1966 Big Brother signs Big Brother and The Holding Company, Mainstream Records
September 23, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Unquenchable Thirst (ex Grass Roots and replacing Howlin' Wolf who cancelled)
September 24, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Unquenchable Thirst (ex Grass Roots and replacing Howlin' Wolf who cancelled)
October 6, 1966 Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Grateful Dead, Wildflower, Electric Chamber Orkustra
October 6, 1966 The Ark, Sausalito, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Jack and the Ripper
October 7-8, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Jim Kweskin Jug Band, Electric Train
October 13, 1966 The Ark, Sausalito, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Moby Grape, Sons of Champlin
October 14, 1966 The Ark, Sausalito, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Moby Grape, Sons of Champlin
October 15, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother & the Holding Company (Big Brother and The Holding Company, Jerry Garcia sitting), Sir Douglas Quintet.
October 16, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother & the Holding Company, Sir Douglas Quintet, 13th Floor Elevators, The New Peanut Butter Sandwich. Jerry Garcia’s Middle Finger blogged: Having just posted about Garcia's October 1966 sit-in with Big Brother and the Holding Company, I'll follow on with what is even more interesting-sounding (though it apparently didn't come off that well).

Mojo Navigator R&R News no. 9 (October 17, 1966) gives a brief account of the evening, which apparently included a configuration ("One Night Only!", I assume) called The New Peanut Butter Sandwich, composed of the following (instruments are mostly presumed):

Ron "Pigpen" McKernan (GD): ?organ?
Jerry Garcia (GD): guitar;
David Getz (BBHC): drums;
David Freiberg (QMS): bass;
?? (Sir Douglas Quintet): rhythm guitar;
Gary Duncan (QMS): guitar;
John Cipollina (QMS): guitar;
?? ("negro blues singer"): ??.

The only other detail is that "They did a very long and boring pseudo-Butterfield blues instrumental." Not clear what the blues singer was doing sitting in on an instrumental, but anyway … sounds interesting!
This may have happened on October 15 or October 16.
October 22, 1966 Winterland, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Grateful Dead, Quicksilver Messenger Service
November 1-6, 1966 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
November 4, 1966 The Ark, Sausalito, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Baltimore Steam Packet, Moby Grape
November 11, 1966 Taping of "POW" TV Show, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
November 11, 1966 Trip Room, Sacramento, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Rubber Band
November 12, 1966 Sokol Hall, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, the Merry Pranksters, Grateful Dead
November 13, 1966 Zen Temple Benefit, Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Grateful Dead, Quicksilver Messenger Service
November 14, 1966 The Barn, Scott's Valley, Santa Cruz, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
November 19, 1966 The Barn, Scott's Valley, Santa Cruz, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
November 23-24, 1966 California Hall, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Friendly Stranger
November 25-26, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Country Joe & The Fish
December 3, 1966 Wilbur Hall, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Lights, films, poetry
December 9-10, 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Oxford Circle, Lee Michaels
December, 1966 "A Happening in the Wilburness", Stanford, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
December 16-17, 1966 Winterland, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Loving Impulse, Congress of Wonders (MC was Buddha from Muir Beach)
December 18, 1966 Shrine Exhibition Hall, Los Angeles, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Loving Impulse, Congress of Wonders, Family Tree (possibly cancelled)
December 18, 1966 Santa Monica Civic Auditorium, Santa Monica, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
24 December 1966 Barn, Scotts Valley, Santa Cruz, CA (Country Joe and Janis Joplin sing at the wedding of a couple at the Barn)
25 December 1966 Lagunitas, CA
26 December 1966 The Ark, Sausalito, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Charlatans, Final Solution, Lynne Hughes, Congress of Wonders
27 December 1966 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service
December 31, 1966 Kezar Pavilion, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
January 1, 1967 Panhandle Park, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Grateful Dead, Orkustra
January 13, 1967 Santa Venetia Armory, San Rafael, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Moby Grape, Morning Glory
January 14, 1967 Human Be-in, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Sir Douglas Quintet, Loading Zone, New Age (featuring Country Joe McDonald on Tra-La-La)
January 15, 1967 Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles Big Brother and The Holding Company, Merry Pranksters
January 17-22, 1967 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Paul Arnoldi (and possibly) Lisa Bachelis
January 24-26, 1967 Soul City Club, Dallas, TX
January 28, 1967 Continental Auditorium, Santa Clara, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Blue House Basement, The Giant Sunflower
January 29, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, the Grateful Dead, Moby Grape and Allen Ginsberg
January 31, 1967 Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and the Holding Company, Penny Nichols
February 1, 1967 Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and the Holding Company, Penny Nichols
February 2, 1967 Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and the Holding Company, Penny Nichols
February 3, 1967 California Hall, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Blue Cheer
February 4, 1967 Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and the Holding Company, Penny Nichols
February 5, 1967 Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and the Holding Company, Penny Nichols
February 10-11, 1967 1837 Alcatraz, Berkeley, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Country Joe and the Fish, Melvyn Q Watchpocket
February 12, 1967 California Hall, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
February 14, 1967 The Ark, Sausalito, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Moby Grape, Jack and The Ripper
February 15, 1967 California Hall, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Blue Cheer
February 17-18, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and the Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Oxford Circle
February 19, 1967 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and the Holding Company, Steve Miller Blues Band (who were replacing The Only Alternative and His Other Possibilities), Fred Roth & Fillmore, San Francisco
February 21, 1967 California Hall, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and the Holding Company, VIPs, Blue Cheer
February 23, 1967 The Ark, Sausalito, CA Big Brother and the Holding Company, The Human Beings, Flying Circus
February 24, 1967 Glide Memorial Church, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
February 25, 1967 The Barn, Scott's Valley, Santa Cruz, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
February 26, 1967 Glide Memorial Church, San Francisco, CA
February 26, 1967 American Legion, Merced, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
March 4, 1967 Steninger Auditorium, University of California Medical Center, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and the Holding Company, Steve Miller Blues Band, Robert Baker
March 5, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and the Holding Company, Moby Grape, Country Joe and the Fish, Sparrow, Grateful Dead (as guests), Michael McClure (as guest)
March 10, 1967 Chessall Gym, High School, Ukiah, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Shades of Black (don't ask me why - but entry was $1.24 per person)
March 12, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Steve Miller Blues Band, Country Joe and the Fish
March 14-16, 1967 Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and the Holding Company
March 17-18, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and the Holding Company, Charles Lloyd, Sir Douglas Quintet
March 21, 1967 Rock Garden, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Love, CIA
March 22, 1967 Rock Garden, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Love, CIA
March 23, 1967 Rock Garden, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Love, CIA
March 24, 1967 Rock Garden, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Love, CIA
March 25, 1967 Rock Garden, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Love, CIA
March 26, 1967 Rock Garden, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Love, CIA
Mar 31-April 1, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Blue Cheer, Charlatans
07 April 1967 Maple Hall, San Pablo, CA Big Brother and the Holding Company, Overbrook Express, The Illusions
April 8, 1967 Mt. Tamalpias Outdoor Theater, Mt Tamalpias, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Sparrow, Charlatans
08 April 1967 Maple Hall, San Pablo, CA Big Brother and the Holding Company, Overbrook Express, The Illusions
April 9, 1967 Longshoremen's Hall, San Francisco, CA Country Joe and The Fish, The Grateful Dead, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Sopwith Camel, Big Brother and the Holding Company
April 10, 1967 The Fillmore, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
April 11, 1967 The Fillmore, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
April 12-13, 1967 Winterland & The Fillmore, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
April 15-16, 1967 Stockton Civic Auditorium, Stockton, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, New Breed
April 21-23, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Howlin' Wolf, Harbinger Complex
April 23, 1967 California Hall, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Charles Lloyd Quartet, Wildflower
April 25, 1967 Live in Studio Performance @ KQED, San Francisco Big Brother and The Holding Company
April 25-27, 1967 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
April 28-29, 1967 California Hall, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Willie Mae "Big Mama" Thornton, Weeds
05 May 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Sir Douglas Quintet, Orkustra
06 May 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Sir Douglas Quintet, Orkustra
07 May 1967 Unitarian Universalist Church, Terra Linda
07 May 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Sir Douglas Quintet, Orkustra
May 11, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Country Joe and the Fish
May 12-13, 1967 California Hall, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Country Joe and the Fish, Big Brother and the Holding Company, Mourning Fog, Candy Store
May 26-27, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Steve Miller
May 30, 1967 Haight Ashbury Legal Organization Benefit, Winterland, SF Big Brother and The Holding Company, Jefferson Airplane, Quicksilver Messenger Serviuce
May 31, 1967 Fairmount Hotel, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
June 2-3, 1967 California Hall, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Country Joe and the Fish
June 8-11, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Canned Heat Blues Band, Congress of Wonders
June 17-18, 1967 Monterey Pop Festival, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
June 21, 1967 Polo Field, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and the Holding Company, Grateful Dead, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Mad River, Phoenix (Summer Solstice festival - event began before dawn)
June 24, 1967 Lombard and Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company (First Annual Synanon Street Fair)
June 24, 1967 Folsom and 7th, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Flying Circus, Transatlantic Railroad, Sunshine, The Yards, Silver Blimp, Vast Minority, Tiny Hearing Aid Company (Folsom Street Fair)
June 24, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Charlatans
June 25, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, Big Brother and The Holding Company, Gabor Szabo, Jimi Hendrix
June 27, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service
June 28, 1967 Western Front, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Charlatans, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Tom and Lee
June 29, 1967 California Hall, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Blue Cheer, Congress of Wonders (may have played in the afternoon before the Blue Cheer show)
June 29-July 2, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service
July 2, 1967 Mt Tamalpais Outdoor Festival, Marin, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Country Joe and the Fish, Miller Blues Band, Sandy Bull, Congress of Wonders, Wildflower, Charlatans, Freedom Highway, Melvin Q. Watchpocket, Ace of Cups and Lamp of Childhood. Possibly Eric Burdon and the Animals
July 4-6, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Bo Diddley, Big Joe Williams
July 7-8, 1967 Circle Star Theatre, San Carlos, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Janis Ian, Brenton Wood Big Brother and The Holding Company, Kent & The Candidates, Grass Roots
July 14-15, 1967 Continental Ballroom, Santa Clara, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Freedom Highway, Heather Stone (Opening of the Continental Ballroom - previously the Continental Auditorium)
July 20, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Mount Rushmore, Canned Heat, Mother Earth
July 21, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Mount Rushmore, Canned Heat, Mother Earth
July 22, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Mount Rushmore, Canned Heat, Mother Earth
July 23, 1967 Straight Theater, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, The Grateful Dead
July 28-30, 1967 California Hall, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, The Charlatans, Tom and Lee
July 31, 1967 Free Clinic Benefit, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Blue Cheer, Charlatans, Anonymous Artists of America
04 August 1967 Kings Beach Bowl, North Shore, Lake Tahoe, CA Big Brother & The Holding Company, The Creator

10 August 1967 Kaiser Dome, San Bernardino, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
August 11-12, 1967 Continental Ballroom, Santa Clara, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Charles Lloyd, Morning Reign, Mount Rushmore
August 13, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
August 16, 1967 Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company (Chocolate George's Funeral)
August 24-27, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Bo Diddley, Salvation Army Banned, Bukka White
August 28, 1967 Lindley Meadow, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Grateful Dead, Mt. Rushmore (Chocolate George's Wake)
September 1, 1967 Straight Theater, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Southside Sound System, Freedom Highway
September 2, 1967 Straight Theater, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Southside Sound System, Colours
September 3, 1967 Straight Theater, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Southside Sound System, Phoenix
September 4, 1967 La Dolphine Estates, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
September 8-9, 1967 Family Dog, Denver, CO Big Brother and The Holding Company, Blue Cheer, Eight Penny Matter
September 15, 1967 Hollywood Bowl, Hollywood, CA Big Brother and the Holding Company, Grateful Dead, Jeffereson Airplance BBHC CANCELLED
September 16, 1967 Monterey, CA Big Brother & The Holding Company, T-Bone Walker, B. B. King, Richie Havens, the Clara Ward Singers, Gary Burton Quartet
September 19, 1967 Golden Bear Club, Huntington Beach, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Big Mama Thornton
September 20, 1967 Golden Bear Club, Huntington Beach, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Big Mama Thornton
September 21, 1967 Golden Bear Club, Huntington Beach, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Big Mama Thornton
September 22, 1967 Golden Bear Club, Huntington Beach, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Big Mama Thornton
September 23, 1967 Golden Bear Club, Huntington Beach, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Big Mama Thornton
September 24, 1967 Golden Bear Club, Huntington Beach, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Big Mama Thornton
October 3, 1967 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Congress of Wonders
October 4, 1967 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Congress of Wonders
October 5, 1967 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Congress of Wonders
October 6, 1967 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Congress of Wonders
October 7, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
October 8, 1967 Santa Clara Fairgrounds, Santa Clara, CA
October 8, 1967 Family Park, San Jose, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Freedom Highway, Mother Earth, Ace of Cups, Congress of Wonders, Dr. West’s Medicine Show, Mad River
October 13, 1967 Eagles Auditorium, Seattle WA Big Brother and The Holding Company, The Magic Fern CANCELLED
October 14, 1967 Eagles Auditorium, Seattle WA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Chrome Cyrcus CANCELLED
October 15-16, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, Big Brother and The Holding Company
October 20, 1967 Contra Costa College, San Pablo, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Overbrook Express
October 27, 1967 Cal State, Hayward, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, The Good Nabors (sic)
October 28, 1967 McNear's Beach (east of San Rafael), CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, The Psychle, Sopwith Camel, The Youngbloods, Vince Guaraldi, Tom and Lee, George Duke Trio, Chris Ibenez, Turk Murphy
October 28-29, 1967 Peacock Country Club, San Rafael, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Youngbloods, Vince Guaraldi Trio, Sopwith Camel, The Cycle, Tom and Lee (on 29th only) Chris Ibanez Trio, George Duke Trio (noon until dark).
November ?, 1967 Golden Bear Club, Huntington Beach, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
November 2, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Richie Havens
November 3, 1967 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Richie Havens
November 4, 1967 Winterland, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Richie Havens and Pink Floyd (who now had visas)
November 13, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Grateful Dead, Quicksilver Messenger Service
November 23, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Mount Rushmore
November 24, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Mount Rushmore
November 24, 1967 California Hall, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Friendly Stranger, Beautiful Thing
November 25, 1967 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Mount Rushmore
December 1, 1967 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Sandy Bull, Dan Hicks
December 2, 1967 Cheetah, Los Angeles, CA BigBrother and The Holding Company, West Coast Branch
December 15-16, 1967 Whisky-A-Go-Go, Los Angeles, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Sweetwater (plus possibly Blood, Sweat and Tears)
December 18, 1967 California Hall, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
December 19, 1967 Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service
December 20, 1967 Whisky-A-Go-Go, Los Angeles, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Sweetwater (Moby Grape had cancelled)
December 22, 1967 Turlock Fairgrounds, Turlock, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Crystal Syphon and lights by Pacific Gas and Electric
December 25, 1967 Sokol Hall, San Franciscoi, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
December 29-30, 1967 Winterland, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Chuck Berry and Quicksilver Messenger Service
December 31, 1967 Winterland, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Jefferson Airplane, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Freedom Highway
January 5, 1968 Rainbow Ballroom, Fresno, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
January 6, 1968 Sacramento State College Big Brother and The Holding Company, Walking Flower, Creators
January 12, 1968 Shrine Auditorium, LA, Big Brother and The Holding Company, Blue Cheer, Mint Tatoo
January 13, 1968 Barnes Park Bandshell, Monterey Park, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
January 16-21, 1968 Golden Bear Club, Huntington Beach, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
January 25, 1968 Fillmore Auditorium, SF, Big Brother and The Holding Company, Electric Flag, Youngbloods, Ultimate Spinach
January 26-27, 1968 Winterland, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Electric Flag, Youngbloods,
January 28, 1968 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
February 2, 1968 Cheetah, Los Angeles, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
February 3, 1968 Earl Warren Showgrounds, Santa Barbara, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Electric Flag, Sweetwater
February 9, 1968 Santa Clara County Fairgrounds, Santa Clara, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, People, Aeidiplane and Raybyne Memorial Band
February 10, 1968 Community Concourse Exhibit Hall, San Diego, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
February 16, 1968 Palestra, Philadelphia, PA Big Brother and The Holding Company
February 17, 1968 Anderson Theatre, New York, NY Big Brother and The Holding Company, BB King
February 23-24, 1968 Psychedelic Supermarket, Boston, MA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Blood Sweat & Tears (Albert B. Grossman, the group’s manager, just how surprised you feel when you wake up in the morning on a sunny Boston day and find $5,000 worth of equipment was heisted the night before from the Psychedelic Supermarket and there’s two sets to play that night and a concert tomorrow afternoon and you can’t even get into the club because there’s a symposium on the "Boston Sound" going on.)
February 25, 1968 School of Design, Providence, RI Big Brother and The Holding Company (afternoon show)
March 1-2, 1968 Grande Ballroom, Detroit, MI Big Brother and The Holding Company, Tiffany Shade, Family Dumptruck
March 8, 1968 Fillmore East, NY Big Brother and The Holding Company, Tim Buckley, Albert King
March 9, 1968 Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT Big Brother and The Holding Company
March 15-17, 1968 Electric Factory, Philadelphia, PA Big Brother and The Holding Company
March 22-24, 1968 The Cheetah, Chicago, IL Big Brother and The Holding Company
April 2-6, 1968 The Generation, New York, NY Big Brother and The Holding Company, BB King
April 7, 1968 The Generation, New York, NY Big Brother and The Holding Company, BB King, Jimi Hendrix, Buddy Guy, Joni Mitchell, Richie Havens, Paul Butterfield, Elvin Bishop
April 10, 1968 Anaheim Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
April 11, 1968 Appearance on ABC-TV "Hollywood Palace" Big Brother and The Holding Company
April 11, 1968 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Iron Butterfly, Booker T and the MG's
April 12-13, 1968 Winterland, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Iron Butterfly, Booker T and the MG's
April 14, 1968 Carousel Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Initial Shock
April 19, 1968 Selland Arena, Fresno, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, The Mint Tattoo
April 20, 1968 Santa Barbara, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
April 24, 1968 Straight Theater - San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Sons of Champlin, Congress of Wonders, Curley Cooke's Hurdy Gurdy Band, Indian Head Band, Ace of Cups, Phoenix
April 26, 1968 Foothill College, Los Altos Hills, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
April 27, 1968 San Bernardino, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
May 1, 1968 College Field, Chico State College, Chico, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Cranberry Frost, Jay Magram
May 2, 1968 Carousel Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
May 3, 1968 Shrine Exposition Hall, Los Angeles, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Albert King, Pacific Gas and Electric
May 4, 1968 Shrine Exposition Hall, Los Angeles, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Albert King, Pacific Gas and Electric
May 10, 1968 Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
May 11, 1968 Veteran's Hall, Santa Rosa, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Bronze Hog
May 12, 1968 San Fernando Valley State College, Northridge, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Taj Mahal and Sweetwater
May 13, 1968 San Fernando Valley State College, Northridge, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Taj Mahal and Sweetwater
May 15, 1968 Carousel Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Rejoice, Youngbloods
May 17, 1968 Freeborn Hall, University of Calififornia at Davis, Sacramento, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Blue Cheer, Oxford Circle, Andrew Staples, New Breed and the Loyal Opposition
May 18, 1968 Santa Clara County Fairgrounds, Santa Clara, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Doors, Kaleidoscope, Country Joe and the Fish, Loading Zone, Dirty Blues Band, Youngbloods, Taj Mahal, Jefferson Airplane
May 19, 1968 Civic Auditorium, Pasadena, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Iron Butterfly, Spontaneous Combustion (American Field Service Benefit)
May 24-26, 1968 Carousel Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Mad River (replacing Big Brother and The Holding Company), Clara Ward Singers, H.P. Lovecraft
June 9, 1968 Whisky-A-Go-Go, West Hollywood, CA West Hollywood, CA - an unscheduled appearance at a show by Hour Glass, Word Salad and Smokestack Lightnin’. Brian Williams, at the time a young agent for the bookers Agency for the Performing Arts recalls the June 9 show that Sunday night closing set by Hour Glass saw Janis Joplin, Eric Burdon, Vic Briggs and a slew of other top shelf musicians setting in Big Brother and The Holding Company, Greg, Duane and Company - all at the same time.
June 13, 1968 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, The Crazy World of Arthur Brown, Foundations
June 14-15, 1968 Winterland, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, The Crazy World of Arthur Brown, Foundations
June 16, 1968 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Santana, Steve Miller, Sandy Bull, Dan Hicks
20 June 1968 Carousel Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Fleetwood Mac, Dr. John the Night Tripper, Night Tripper
22 June 1968 Carousel Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Fleetwood Mac, Dr. John the Night Tripper, Night Tripper
23 June 1968 Carousel Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Fleetwood Mac, Dr. John the Night Tripper, Night Tripper
June 24, 1968 Burlingame Country Club, Burlingame, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, The Peanut Butter Conspiracy
June 28-29, 1968 Denver, CO Big Brother and The Holding Company
June 30, 1968 Napa Fairgrounds, Napa, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Black Cat Bone Band
July 5, 1968 Concord Coliseum, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
July 6, 1968 Santa Rosa Fairgrounds, Santa Rosa, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
July 7, 1968 Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
July 10, 1968 Provo Park, Berkeley, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Phoenix, Lazarus (Benefit for Balloon - who provide free food in Provo Park)
July 12-13, 1968 Kaleidoscope, Los Angeles, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Rhinoceros
July 16-18, 1968 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Jeff Beck, Richie Havens & Illinois Speed Press
July 20, 1968 Lagoon Opera House, Ogden, UT Big Brother and The Holding Company, Blue Cheer (the Lagoon was about half way between Ogden and Salt Lake City)
July 22, 1968 Westbury Music Fair, Long Island, NY Big Brother and The Holding Company
July 25, 1968 Columbia Records Convention, Puerto Rico Big Brother and The Holding Company
July 27, 1968 Newport Folk Festival, Newport, RI Big Brother and The Holding Company, Tim Buckley, Kaleidoscope, Taj Mahal Big Brother and The Holding Company, Ry Cooder, John Hartford
August 2-3, 1968 Fillmore East, NYC Big Brother and The Holding Company, Staple Singers, Ten Years After
August 9, 1968 Kiel Auditorium, St. Louis, MO Big Brother and The Holding Company
August 10, 1968 Forest Park, St. Louis, MO Big Brother and The Holding Company
August 14, 1968 Indiana Beach, Monticello, IN Big Brother and The Holding Company
August 16-17, 1968 Aragon-Cheetah, Chicago, IL Big Brother and The Holding Company
August 18, 1968 Tyrone Guthrie Theater, Minneapolis, MN Big Brother and The Holding Company
August 23, 1968 Singer Bowl, New York City, NY Big Brother and The Holding Company
August 30, 1968 Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, John Stewart and Buffy Ford, Big Mama Thornton (featuring Harmonica George)
September 6, 1968 Hollywood Bowl, Hollywood, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Iron Butterfly
September 12-14, 1968 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Santana, Chicago Transit Authority (This was expected to be the last San Francisco, CA show of Big Brother and The Holding Company Big Brother and The Holding Company, Janis Joplin, and it was advertised and reviewed as such.)
September 15, 1968 Rose Bowl, Pasadena, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Joan Baez, Big Brother and The Holding Company (introduced by Albert King), The Byrds, Country Joe and the Fish, Junior Wells, Buddy Guy, the Mothers of Invention, Buffy St. Marie and Wild Man Fischer (An American Music Show) - BBHC and Wild Man Fischer were originally not scheduled but took the places of Wilson Pickett and the Everly Brothers who did not appear. Joel Glick remembers that The Byrds (in their country period) opened the show and Big Brother closed it.
September 22, 1968 Del Mar Fairgrounds, San Diego, CA Grateful Dead, Big Brother and The Holding Company, Sons of Champlin, Qucksilver Messenger Service, Buddy Miles Express, Taj Mahal, Mother Earth, Curly Cooke’s Hurdy-Gurdy Band, Youngbloods, Ace of Cups, Phoenix (A number of bands may not have played, e.g. QMS)
September 27, 1968 University of California, Irvine, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
September 28, 1968 San Diego, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
September 29, 1968 Taping of "Hollywood Palace" TV show, Los Angeles, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
October 4, 1968 Public Hall, Cleveland, OH Big Brother and The Holding Company
October 5, 1968 State University of New York, Buffalo, NY Big Brother and The Holding Company
October 11, 1968 War Memorial Auditorium, Syracuse, NY Big Brother and The Holding Company
October 13, 1968 Music Hall, Cincinnati, OH Big Brother and The Holding Company
October 15, 1968 Grande Ballroom, Detroit, MI Big Brother and The Holding Company, Thyme
October 18, 1968 Penn State University, University Park, PA Big Brother and The Holding Company
October 19, 1968 The Spectrum, Philadelphia, PA Vanilla Fudge, Big Brother And The Holding Company, Janis Joplin, Chambers Brothers, Moby Grape, Buddy Guy Blues Band (Quaker City Rock Festival)
October 20, 1968 Alexandria Roller Rink Arena, Alexandria, VA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Jeff Beck Group
October 25, 1968 Curry Hicks Cage, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA Big Brother and The Holding Company
October 26, 1968 Worcester Poly Institute, Worcester, MA Big Brother and The Holding Company
November 1-2, 1968 Electric Factory, Philadelphia, PA Big Brother and The Holding Company
November 8, 1968 Rocky Point Park, Warwick, RI Big Brother and The Holding Company
November 9, 1968 Woolsey Hall, Yale University, New Haven, CT Big Brother and The Holding Company, Mandrake Memorial
November 10, 1968 White Plains, NY Big Brother and The Holding Company
November 11, 1968 Ridge Tech Arena, Braintree, MA
November 12, 1968 Stanley Theater, Jersey City, NJ Big Brother and the Holding Company
November 14, 1968 Bushell Auditorium, Hartford, CT Big Brother and The Holding Company
November 15, 1968 Hunter College Auditorium, City University of New York, New York, NY Big Brother and The Holding Company
November 16, 1968 State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY Big Brother and The Holding Company
November 21, 1968 Vulcan Gas Company, Hemisfair Theater of Performing Arts, San Antonio, Tx Big Brother and The Holding Company, Janis Joplin, Shiva's Head Band, Winter
November 23, 1968 Houston Music Hall, Houston, TX Big Brother and The Holding Company
November 24, 1968 Coliseum, Dallas, TX Big Brother and The Holding Company
November 26, 1968 Denver Auditorium, Denver, CO Big Brother and The Holding Company
November 29, 1968 Eagles Auditorium, Seattle, WA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Chicago Transit Authority
November 30, 1968 Pacific Coliseum, Vancouver, Canada Big Brother and The Holding Company
December 1, 1968 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
January 6, 1969 Matrix, San Francisco, CA David and Peter play in an open jam
Febuary 02, 1969 Cheetah, Los Angeles, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Box Tops
March 5-7, 1969 Keystone Korner, San Fancisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
August 08, 1969 660 Great Highway - San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Tongue and Groove
October 18, 1969 Hemisphere Arena, San Antonio, TX Big Brother and The Holding Company

November 19, 1969 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and the Holding Company (billed as Mumble, Fumble, Jumble, Dumble), New Riders of the Purple Sage, Barry McGuire and The Doctor Naut Family (Benefit for Family Dog) - Steve Miller was scheduled originally but pulled out
29 December 1969 Geary Theater, 415 Geary Boulevard, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Nick Gravenites (2pm show), Youngbloods (7pm show), Ramblin Jack Elliott, Penny Nichols, Zig Zag Follies
07 February 1970 Encore Theatre, Burlingame, CA Big Brother and the Holding Company
February 20-21, 1970 660 Great Highway, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Rhythm Dukes, Big Brother and the Holding Company, Jerry Miller, Rhythm Dukes, Bill Champlin
March 13, 1970 New Orleans House, Berkeley, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Canyon, New Riders of the Purple Sage
March 14, 1970 New Orleans House, Berkeley, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Canyon, New Riders of the Purple Sage
March 20-22, 1970 Family Dog at the Great Highway, 660 Great Highway, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Kaleidoscope, Devil's Kitchen
March 28-29, 1970 Lion's Share, San Anselmo, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
April 4, 1970 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
April 7, 8, 9, 1970 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Nick Gravenites
April 12, 1970 Winterland, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
April 23, 1970 Inn of the Beginning, Cotati, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
April 24, 1970 Inn of the Beginning, Cotati, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
May ?, 1970 Pepperland, San Rafael, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Full Tilt Boggie Band
May 1-3, 1970 Family Dog on the Great Highway, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Aum, Back Yard Mama's, Nuttycomb & Lambert, Temporary Optics
May 8, 1970 Merced Fairgrounds, Merced, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, The Joy of Cooking
May 15, 1970 City Center, Kelowna, BC, Canada Big Brother and The Holding Company
May 16, 1970 Strawberry Mountain Fair, Mission BC Big Brother and The Holding Company
May 20, 1970 Pauley Ballroom, UC, Berkeley, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, The Frontier Constabulary
May 21, 1970 Bermuda Palms, San Rafael, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Full Tilt Boggie Bnd, Janis Joplin, Main Squeeze, Gold
May 22, 1970 Keystone Korner, Berkeley, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
29 May 1970 Civic Auditorium, Canta Monica, CA, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
30 May 1970 Civic Auditorium, Canta Monica, CA, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
June ?, 1970 Diamond Head Crater Festival, Hawaii Big Brother and The Holding Company
June ?, 1970 Andrews Amphitheater, Hawaii Big Brother and The Holding Company
June 10, 1970 Kahului Armory, Hawaii, Big Brother and The Holding Company, Bitch, Sunflower
June 13 or 14, 1970 Portland Music & Art Fair Civic Stadium Portland, OR Big Brother and The Holding Company
June 29, 1970 Terrace Ballroom, Salt Lake City, UT Big Brother and The Holding Company, Traffic, Wishful Thinking, Steve Winwood
July 3-5, 1970 Euphoria, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Joy of Cooking, A.B. Skhy Blues Band
July 11, 1970 Sports Arena, San Diego, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Full Tilt Boggie Band
July 17, 1970 Love Valley Festival,Love Valley NC Big Brother and The Holding Company
July 31, 1970 Phoenix Veterans Colisium, Phoenix, AZ Big Brother and The Holding Company
August 6, 1970 Peace Festival, Shea Stadium, Flushing Meadows, NY Big Brother and The Holding Company
August 13, 1970 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Commander Cody
August 14, 1970 Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Commander Cody
August 15, 1970 Fillmore West , San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, The Byrds
August 18, 1970 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
August 19, 1970 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
28 August 1970 Swing Auditorium, San Bernardino, CA Big Brother and The Holding Companywith The Steve Miller Band
29 August 1970 Civic Auditorium, Albuquerque, NM Big Brother and The Holding Company, Deep Purple, Feather
September 25, 1970 Saginaw Auditorium, Saginaw, MI Big Brother and The Holding Company, Plain Brown Wrapper, Touchstone, American Breed
October 3-5, 1970 Euphoria, San Rafael, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
October 6-7, 1970 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
October 8, 1970 Pauley Ballroom, UC, Berkeley, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Big Mama Thornton, The People's International Silver String Macedonian Band, Los Tigres del Norte, Joy of Cooking, Frontier Constabulary, Earl Collins and His Hoedown Band, Brother Lee Love, American Indian Dancers, Nick Gravenites
October 11, 1970 Hearst Greek Theatre, UC, Berkeley, CA Pete Seggar, Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seegar, Ramblin' Jack Elliott, Sam Hinton, Sara Grey, Mimi Farina and Tom Jans, Malvina Reynolds, Robbie Basho, Shine & Co, Big Brother and The Holding Company, Big Mama Thornton, The People's International Silver String Macedonian Band, Los Tigres del Norte, Joy of Cooking, Fiddlin' Earl Collins, Mississippi Sam Chapman, Nick Gravenites
October 27-29, 1970 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
October 30, 1970 46th St Rock Palace, Brooklyn, NY Big Brother and The Holding Company
November 2, 1970 Harding Theatre, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
06 November 1970 46th Street Rock Palace, Brooklyn, NY Country Joe McDonald, Youngbloods, Big Brother and the Holding Company
November 20 - 21, 1970 Winterland, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Country Joe & Steve Miller
December 5, 1970 The Birmingham Palladium Detroit, MI Big Brother and The Holding Company
Unknown 1971 Anchorage, Alaska
Unknown 1972 Fairbanks, Alaska
January 8-9, 1971 Fillmore East, New York City Big Brother and The Holding Company, Buddy Miles, Sweetwater
January 17, 1971 Syria Mosque, Univ of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA Big Brother and The Holding Company, James Gang, Three Rivers Band
January 18-19, 1971 Ungano's, New York, NY
January 20, 1971 Capitol Theater, Port Chester, NY
29 January 1971 El Monte Legion Stadium, El Monte, CA Big Brother & The Holding Company, Sugar Cane Harris, Jesse Davis
30 January 1971 El Monte Legion Stadium, El Monte, CA Big Brother & The Holding Company, Sugar Cane Harris, Jesse Davis
February 4, 1971 Inn of the Beginning, Cotati, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
February 13, 1971 Pepperland, San Rafael, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
February 20-21, 1971 Pepperland, San Rafael, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, The Sons, Clover
March 12-13, 1971 Friends and Relations Hall, 660 Great Highway, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Clover, Foxglove
March 18, 1971 Santa Clara Fairgrounds, Santa Clara, CA Don McLean, Big Brother and The Holding Company w/ Kathi McDonald
March 25, 1971 New Monk, Berkeley, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Mike Finnigan
April 9-10, 1971 Friends and Relations Hall, 660 Great Highway, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Dan Hicks, Gold
April 19, 1971 Friends and Relations Hall, 660 Great Highway, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks, Gold
May 7, 1971 California Hall, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Grootna, The Whole Polish Army
15 May 1971 New Monk, Berkeley, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
May 21, 1971 Brroks Hall, Civic Center, San Francisco, CA Moby Grape, and a selection of Cleveland Wrecking Company, Wisdom, Marionette Theatre, Richard Pryor, Loose Gravel, Congress of Wonders, Barry "The Fish" Melton, Earthquake, Flamin' Groovies, A Euphomus Wail, Mother Goose, Keystone, Eric Burden and War!, TKO's, Big Brother and Holding Company, Flamln' Grooves, Loading Zone, John Lee Hooker and Gold and light shows by Holy See, Bob Holte Windows & Clouds and Earth Lights.
May 26, 1971 Erie Raceway, Erie, CO Allman Brothers Band, Youngbloods, Big Brother and The Holding Company, Jeffrey Cain, Fresh Air, Friends For Now (Previously The Zephyrs)
May 28, 1971 Selland Arena, Fresno, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, BB King and Elvin Bishop
June 19, 1971 Fox Theatre, Long Beach, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Sons of Champlin
September 22-23, 1971 Bimbo's, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Kathy MacDonald, Alice Stuart and Snake, Natural Act
October 9, 1971 Monterey Fairgrouns, Monterey, CA w/ Clover
November 12, 1971 Winterland, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Ten Years After
December 9-11, 1971 Inn of the Beginning, Cotati, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company
24 May 1905 Alaska
January 30, 1972 Curtis Hall, Tampa, FL Big Brother and The Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service
February 15, 1972 The Boathouse, Harding Road, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Gold, Grootna (St Valentine's Day Party)
February 19, 1972 University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Allman Brothers
20 April 1972 North Beach Revival, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company (with Kathy McDonald)
April 22 or 23, 1972 Street Party Iowa City, IA
April 25, 1972 Iowa Wesleyan, Fayetteville, IA
April 29, 1972 Upper Iowa, Mt Pleasant, IA
May 1-2, 1972 Ace Beer Garden, Iowa City, IA
June, 1972 Pioneer High School, Whittier CA
June, 1972 Schererville, IL Big Brother and The Holding Company, Blue Oyster Cult
June, 1972 Catholic High School, Niles, IL Big Brother and The Holding Company, Blue Oyster Cult
June, 1972 Romeoville Roller Rink, Romeoville, IL Big Brother and The Holding Company, Blue Oyster Cult
June, 1972 Grande Ballroom, Detroit, MI
01 July 1972 Frenchies, Hayward, CA Big Brother and The Holding Company, Sopwith Camel
29 July 1972 Resurrection Ballroom, Market and Van Ness, San Francisco, CA. with John Cipollina, David Weber from Copperhead and friends; Melton Levy & the Dey Brothers; Nick Gravenites; Big Brother & The Holding Company with Kathi McDonald with special guests Sam Andrew, Pete Sears and Warren Leslie. (Old Carousel/Fillmore West)
June/July 1972 Louisiana
Unknown 1972 Miami, FL Big Brother and The Holding Company, Spirit
October 9, 1972 Big Mama Thorton, Earl Collins, Big Brother and the Holding Company, Fronteir, Silver String Macedonian Band (Berkeley Folk Music Festival)
November 24, 1972 Marin County Civic Center Auditorium Big Brother and The Holding Company, Quicksilver, Clover, Yogi Phlegm
October 1, 1978 Greek Theatre, Berkeley, CA
August 20, 1987 Cotati Cabaret, Cotati, CA
August 27, 1987 New George's, San Rafael, CA
August 29, 1987 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco
September 2, 1987 WOW Hall, Eugene, OR
September 3, 1987 Pine Street Theater, Portland, OR
September 4, 1987 Seattle Center Exhibition Hall, Seattle, WA
September 9, 1987 Parker's, Seattle, WA
September 12, 1987 Polo Field, San Francisco, 20th Anniversary Summer of Love
September 24, 1987 Mill Valley, CA
October 20, 1987 The Church, San Francisco
December 9, 1987 Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco
December 12, 1987 Cotati Cabaret, Cotati, CA
February 19, 1988 Catalyst, Santa Cruz, CA
May 21, 1988 Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
July 22, 1988 The Backstage, Seattle, WA
July 23, 1988 Pine Street Theatre, Portland, OR
August 7, 1988 Molson Park, Barrie, Ontario, Canada
January 19, 1989 Port Arthur, TX
January 20, 1989 Rockefeller's, Houston, TX
January 27, 1989 Universal Amphitheater, Universal City, CA
July 27, 1989 Great American Music Hall, San Francisco, CA
August or September, 1989 Last Day Saloon, San Francisco
October, 1989 KQED Telethon Earthquake Benefit Big Brother and The Holding Company, CSN, Raitt
November 26, 1989 Cow Palace, San Francisco
May 24, 1990 Chi Chi Club, San Francisco
April 23, 1991 I-Beam, San Francisco, CA Big Brotehr and The Holding Company, Commander Cody, JC Flyer Big Brother and The Holding Company, David Nelson
June 1, 1991 Rick Griffin Gallery, The Cannery, Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco, CA Big Brother and the Holding Company, New Riders of the Purple Sage, Phoenyx, Black Mariah, Cowboys and Angels w/Dino Valente, Galaxy Chamber, Mitchell Holman Band and Sky Saxon from The Seeds (was going to play as well, but he had some sort of medical scenario envelop him literally the day before landing him in the hospital so he could not make it up from LA.)
October ?, 1991 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, Cleveland, OH
March 10, 1993 Stadthalle, Neuss, Germany
April 17, 1993 JJ's, San Jose, CA
April 23, 1993 Boulder Creek Brewery, Boulder Creek, CA
May 15, 1993 Last Day Saloon, San Francisco
May 28, 1993 Magnolia's, Santa Rosa, CA
May 29, 1993 Caspar Inn, Caspar, CA
September 5, 1993 Hog Farm, Laytonville, CA
October 8, 1993 Grant's Pass, OR
April 30, 1994 Maritime Hall, San Francisco
June 10, 1994 Redwood Run, Willits, CA
July 9, 1994 Pozo Saloon, Paso Robles, CA
August 13, 1994 The Grove Fest, Tampa, FL
August 20, 1994 Forestville, CA
August 27, 1994 University of CA, Davis, CA
October 3-10, 1994 Steps to Parnassus, Moscow
December 16, 1994 Veteran's Memorial, Santa Rosa, CA
February 18, 1995 Smiley's Bolinis, CA
March 3, 1995 Johnny Otis, Sebastopol, CA
March 30, 1995 Paradise Lounge, San Francisco
April 2, 1995 Cafe Kenya, Hikne, Japan
April 4, 1995 Rag Club, Kyoto, Japan
April 8, 1995 Taku Taku, Kyoto, Japan
April 12, 1995 On Air Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
April 13, 1995 Bottom Line, Nagoya, Japan
April 16, 1995 Earthquake Benefit, Kyoto, Japan
April 17, 1995 Quattra, Osaka, Japan
April 19, 1995 Taku Taku, Kyoto, Japan
April 21, 1995 Taku Taku, Kyoto, Japan
April 23, 1995 Bar Isn't It, Kyoto, Japan
May 9, 1995 Hyatt Regency, San Francisco
May 11, 1995 Good Times, Eugene, OR
May 12, 1995 Bojangles, Portland, OR
May 13, 1995 Ashland, OR
May 14, 1995 University of CA, Davis
May 20, 1995 Mr. Q's, Tiburon, CA
June 10, 1995 Seaside, CA
June 11, 1995 Santa Rosa, CA
June 18, 1995 Fresno, CA
July 4, 1995 Aquatic Park, San Francisco, CA
July 29, 1995 Marin Civic Auditorium, San Rafael, CA
August 18, 1995 State Fair, Santa Rosa, CA
August 19, 1995 Forestville, CA
August 24, 1995 House of Blues, Hollywood, CA
August 31, 1995 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, Cleveland, OH
August 31, 1995 Peabody's Down Under, Cleveland
September 2, 1995 Novato City, CA
September 9, 1995 Glendale State Fair, Glendale, CA
September 12, 1995 ?, California
September 23, 1995 Fairfax Pavilion, Fairfax, CA
October 9, 1995 Golden Gate Park Bandshell, San Francisco
October 22, 1995 Mountain Home "Garcia Tribute", Livermore, CA
December 6, 1995 DNA Lounge, San Francisco
December 31, 1995 Sausalito Yacht Club, Sausalito, CA
January 20, 1996 Palookaville, Santa Cruz, CA
June 2, 1996 Maritime Hall, San Francisco, CA , Big Brother and The Holding Company, Melissa Etheridge]
June 3, 1996 Domaine Chandon, Napa, CA
June 22, 1996 Turtle Lake, MI "Nudestock"
June 30, 1996 Maestro's, San Ramon, CA
July 4, 1996 Fairstock, Del Mar, CA
July 25, 1996 Evergreen Ballroom, Olympia, WA
July 26, 1996 Detour Tavern, Kent, WA
July 27, 1996 Sonoma County Fair, Santa Rosa, CA
August 3, 1996 Concord Elk's Club, Concord, CA
August 7, 1996 Moto Rally, Sturgess, SD
August 10, 1996 Gath

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